Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Emotional Roller Coster...


The emotional side of my pregnancy has been taking a toll on me. I try not to get too emotional, but sometimes, I can't help it. Over hearing people talk about me and my family members being lazy really pisses me off. They might have a valid point, but not to the point where they are making comments every time they talk to my mom.

Tonight, I overheard one of my sisters talking to my mom about us not helping. Then she went on about how I was going to get a wake up call when the baby gets here. I have a problem with that, because, truthfully, it seems like we have her child more than she does. How does anyone know how I am going to be with my own child when it's only the size of a sesame seed? No one does. I have changed diapers, pee, poo, diarrhea and ones that looked like chalky rocks. I've been vomited on, snotted on, drooled on, and farted on. I know what to expect during the night, having to get up and down, up and down, every hour on the hour. Except people think that I am clueless. It actually hurts my feelings when I hear (it's kinda hard not to, especially when the phone is on speaker) that people have doubts.

Do you not think that I am SCARED out of my wits end? I am so afraid to lose my baby before I even experience the pregnancy. I want to be the best mommy to my child, and it doesn't help when people are saying hurtful and doubtful things about me. They don't even have the decency to say it to my face.

Yes, I need to help my mother out around the house, but since I am so early in my pregnancy, I can lose this baby to just about anything, especially cleaning chemicals and cat urine. I will be trying my damnest to be helping my mom out. With dishes, laundry, sweeping up, vacuuming, etc. Anything that is SAFE for me to do. And no body can tell me that I am going to far, because I'm not. For anyone who has ever had a child, you know that you would do the same exact thing. Nothing is a sure thing in pregnancy. I can miscarry, or have a stillborn. I just want to take the right steps into having a healthy and beautiful child.

Yes, I will admit wholeheartedly that I am lazy. Hell, I'll even preach it to a choir. I KNOW this. I am reminded about it 24/7, 365(366 on leap years) days a year. I feel as if what I do isn't good enough. Like if it isn't done 100% perfect, that I did it half-assed. And you know what, someone can only take that for so long. After awhile, I just throw my hands up in the air and say "fuck it", because I hardly get a thank you, or a "Wow! Great job!". I get a "You still haven't done..." and then it's all "whatever" after that.

I will be trying to make more of an effort, for myself and my unborn child. Just these past couple of days have been challenging, especially from me learning what I can and can't do, because of the harmfulness that it can cause me, and the baby. So tonight, I have come up with a plan with Bo (my fiance), that I can do most of the non-chemical chores, like laundry, dishes, and picking stuff up, but I don't want to over do it. I do have to take it a bit slow. My balance has been off, and if I pick something heavy up and try to stand back up like I usually would, I get light headed. So I will have to learn how to do this and do it around my limitations and try to learn what I should and shouldn't do so I don't wear myself out or get all light headed, because that causes nausea... ew..

Along with house work, I still have school on top of that. It kinda sucks, but I will try to get through it all before the baby comes. I will be talking to several people at my school to make a plan for during my pregnancy and afterwards. I also have appointments to go to, classes to attend, such as parenting classes, exercise (like yoga and swimming). So I will be a busy bee. My family and I are already planning a trip to Oregon to go visit my extended family (on my mom's side) during the summer (yippy! -_-)! I am excited to go see them, and hopefully we can travel about and see the sights and I can get my picture taken at all of these amazing sites so that my baby can see that, yes, mommy and daddy DO get out of the house.

Bo and I are planning to also get married this June (I'll be 6 months pregnant and SHOWING!!) and I am super excited about that! But I know that all of this comes in its own time. I need to start eating right, exercising, get on top of my schoolwork and work on getting better at doing housework, because one day, me and Bo will be out on our own with our child. Scary thought, but it's true. I am tried of telling people, "I know, I know", so I am going to start DOING it. c:

Tomorrow I have an appointment with a woman at my school to talk about getting help during my pregnancy and afterwards so I know that my schooling will be secure. Then I'll be going out with my parents and looking at scrap booking materials so I can start putting a book together for my time during pregnancy.

Anyways, I need to head to bed (after doing the dishes and wiping down the counters), I have school in the AM. Night all!

Ileyia Hines

Busy as a Bee...

Busy, busy, busy as a Beeeee.... bzzz...

Hey all! Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I just felt a little blah, as well as watching my niece Sophie for the past couple of days! She is such a little blessing and super funny!

Anyways, I have been pretty busy trying to get all of these appointments all settled, for starters, I scheduled my first ultrasound for Feb. 11th, 2013 @ 10am. I can NOT wait for that! I am so excited, and I am just bursting at the seams to see my little pea's heartbeat for the very first time!

Second, I am going and seeing a woman named Kristen(hope I spelled that right) tomorrow morning @ 11am to talk about getting covered from WAHA (Whatcom Alliance Program) for prenatal care and to get my appointments covered!

I have to see her before setting up an appointment with an OBGYN! c:

Anyways, it is WAYYYYYYY past my bed time, but I just wanted to send out this post before too long! I will let you all know how the appointment went when I get the chance!


Until next time,

Ileyia Hines

Monday, January 28, 2013




I went to Whatcom Community Pregnancy Center downtown, and I took yet ANOTHER pregnancy test, and it came back POSITIVE!!! YAY!! (I wasn't worried!) Then the woman who was helping me through this figured it all out, and I am 5 weeks pregnant and my due date is September 29th, 2013!
Now I can NOT wait. My little pea is going to be growing up so fast! I will be pregnant through Spring AND Summer... goodiee...
Also, Bo and I will be getting married June 8th, 2013 down at the courthouse because we want to be saving up for the baby, but afterwards, we will be having a BIG ole' pot luck! I will be 6 months pregnant by that time, so I will be HUGE!!!!! Oh well, there are some REALLY gorgeous maternity wedding dresses out there, so no worries!
I will be keeping you all posted on what else happens like...
My very first ultrasound will be Feb. 4th, 2013 and then I will be able to see my little pea's heart beat for the very first time! I am most excited for that and the parenting classes, and getting help for all of this!
Well until next time!
Ileyia Hines

Sunday, January 27, 2013

The official third day~


So, I just want to thank everyone who is following me, even though my journey has just began, I have had so much support and encouragement.

Tomorrow is a big day for me and my little pea! I get to find out FOR SURE if I am pregnant, which, well... it's gonna be a DUH!! And then I will finally be able to see my precious love for the first time from the ultrasound monitor! I am SOOOOO excited, and it seems like this weekend has been dragging its feet to get to Monday. I usually HATE Mondays, but this one will be SO different!

So... this morning, I was really hungry, so I went into the kitchen, and saw that there was hardly any milk and the only cereal that we have is rice krispies  which is not my total favorite... so I grabbed some bread and popped it into the toaster. But I don't particularly like grape jelly (even though we still buy the damn stuff), so I wanted to get a little bit creative! This is what I ended up with:

Butter, Cinnamon, and Sugar~ I had already eaten a small piece! It was really good, but it got too surgery for me, so my bestie Ayla had the rest. I didn't care, but I was still hungry, so I went to search for more food~ this time, less sugar. My dad just happened to cook some goulash and had sat back down at his computer with a big heaping plate of it. So.. I got myself a bowl and took some for myself!

 Shell noodles, Pasta sauce, Black olives, Green beans and Peas. It tasted better than it looked. And it was food. I can't be starving myself here!

Since finding out that I am pregnant, I already had some prenatal vitamins in my bathroom cupboard but didn't really take any before, until now. Day two = 2 pills down. I also took a multi-vitamin for extra healthiness! It's slow going, and my impatience is growing as well, but tomorrow, and I know you will be hanging from your seats to know what went on, will be here sooner than I can imagine. So much to do: 1. get up at the butt crack of dawn; 2. Take the bus to DSHS to find out if I can get medical so my tests and other things will be taken care of;3. Go to the Whatcom Pregnancy Center Clinic to find out, a. If I am in fact pregnant, and b. see my pea on their ultrasound monitor!; 4. I have a meeting at 3:30pm with an adviser at my school and 5. 5:10pm is my math class.... so yeah. I'll be running around all day like a chicken with my head cut off!

Wish me luck, and I will be updating tomorrow; first before I leave for the day, and second, when I get back home to tell the news~ good or bad!

Thanks again for reading, and I will update you all tomorrow!!

Ileyia Hines

Saturday, January 26, 2013

First Post of my Journey!!


Well obviously, because that is what this whole blog is about. Me and my pregnancy. I have seen people throughout my life get pregnant and bring new lives into this world, and I would always stare in awe, wishing that someday, I could do the exact same. Be able to carry another human being inside of me, watch it grow, and then deliver it. But there have been some incidences that have challenged that. 1. No guy; 2. My weight; 3. My health.
I have fixed 2/3 at least. I am engaged to an amazing man who has two boys of his own. My health has been a lot better and I am over the age of 16~ thank you very much.

So this is going to be my first child, and I am soooo excited. I am nervous and worried but I think is to be expected. This is where I will be posting news and random tidbits about me and the baby and people who are amazing. Which would probably be several readers reading this.

Thanks for joining me on my journey to mommy hood, and I'll talk to you all later!

Ileyia Hines